Visible pimple patches: a skincare trend for teenagers we needn’t be worried about | Sali Hughes on beauty

3 weeks ago 6

Don’t squeeze them! From neutral-toned beige to bright blue stars, these clever little patches are getting the thumbs up from teens

There’s a lot of concern around teenagers and skincare at the moment. Children who are barely out of Matey bubble bath are suddenly pleading for £80 moisturisers and anti-ageing serums that are wholly inappropriate for their bouncy, line-free skins – and some brands are marketing aggressively and irresponsibly in their direction. So it gladdened my cynical old heart when I saw one of my goddaughters recently and learned of the latest high-school craze: visible pimple patches.

Hydrocolloid patches are a helpful skincare product for anyone of any age suffering from spots – but they’re especially good for teens who are, in my pretty considerable experience, more likely to pick and fiddle with their zits, worsening the redness and chances of scarring. Pimple patches prevent this habit from transferring bacteria from fingers to spots, and discourage touching and meddling generally.

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