Loosen up: the age of tight, restrictive gymwear is over

1 week ago 7

A new look is emerging in the fitness studio, with leggings and sports bras being replaced by yoga pants and ballet cardigans

Because I truly am a midlife cliche, I do a lot of pilates. (It’s the best! Isn’t it the best?) And even when I’m mid-plank I’m never completely not thinking about clothes, so I have noticed something that I feel we need to discuss. Here goes: I think leggings might be over.

How can this be? Leggings and fitness have been two sides of the same coin for years. It was the rise of fitness as a fashionable leisure activity that turned leggings into an aspirational piece of clothing. Designer leggings have become a mega bucks business. A fancy pair costs as much as a pair of trousers, and the price tag is somehow justified by the fact that they are worn, in public, just like trousers. Inside the gym or fitness studio, leggings (or cycling shorts on a hot day) have been the only show in town – most likely worn with a sports bra and a tank top.

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