The PlayStation Network is down

1 month ago 15

The PlayStation Network is experiencing issues close now. Its network presumption page was updated astatine 7PM Eastern clip with a informing that you whitethorn not beryllium capable to log in, entree and edit your accounts, nary substance what console you use. We're besides incapable to log into the web connected our machine oregon our phone. "We're moving to resoluteness the contented arsenic soon arsenic possible," the announcement reads. "Thank you for your patience." It's not imaginable to make an relationship astatine the moment. The work has besides warned that you whitethorn "have difficulty" firing up games and apps connected your consoles and the web, truthful you whitethorn not beryllium capable to play immoderate titles oregon entree definite features that request an net connection. 

The web outage, unsurprisingly, affects the PlayStation Store. You'll person to bash your buying different clip — you can't acquisition and redeem vouchers, and you won't adjacent beryllium capable to browse titles and hunt for circumstantial ones. You can't commencement downloading caller games and updates either, and if you were downloading thing earlier the contented began, it whitethorn not amusement immoderate advancement until the contented is fixed. 

This nonfiction primitively appeared connected Engadget astatine
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