SSE sent me £7,000 bills for a communal gate post

4 weeks ago 8

The utility addressed bills to ‘Feeder Pillar’, which powers flats’ car park gates

We moved into our current home, a new-build at the time, 15 years ago. Our end-of-terrace is next door to a block of flats that is part of the same development.

Just inside the block’s car park there is an electricity feeder pillar that powers the gates. Because of an admin error, when the site was being developed, the feeder pillar was assigned our postal address not the flats’, which resulted in several years of letters and bills from SSE Energy addressed to “Feeder Pillar”.

We usually marked them “return to sender” or “not known at this address” and posted them back. We tried contacting SSE and its response included quizzing me on “why are you opening mail not addressed to you?”

Then two years ago, a debt collection firm turned up at my door. They were acting on SSE’s behalf and said I owed more than £7,000 in unpaid bills for the feeder pillar and that, if we didn’t pay up, they’d start legal proceedings.

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