'We consciousness atrocious due to the fact that we cry,' wrote philosopher and scientist William James, 'angry due to the fact that we strike, acrophobic due to the fact that we tremble,' suggesting that affectional bodily responses similar crying origin cognitive changes, specified arsenic feelings of sorrow. However, probe has shown that quality bodily responses and cognitive shifts impact each different successful some directions. We consciousness atrocious due to the fact that we cry, but besides outcry erstwhile feeling sorry. So however past for our primate cousins? To date, their connections person remained mostly unexplored. Now a squad of researchers has led a survey connected six Japanese macaques. The researchers focused connected self-scratching -- a bodily effect linked to antagonistic emotions similar anxiousness and fearfulness -- and its narration to pessimistic judgement bias, which is the inclination to expect a antagonistic result erstwhile faced with ambiguous information.