Notes on chocolate: make way for a new favourite

2 weeks ago 5

A reader’s mum is won over by a box from Audrey’s

Last year a reader called Olivia got in touch to ask if I could recommend some chocolates to replace those her mum loved – Terry’s Spartan.

These were a box of chocolates with a black and orange mountain scene on the front, that majored on the fact that all the centres were hard (and, as is the way with a lot of now discontinued chocolates, empty boxes of them go for ££ on eBay). Memorial Device on X once said of them: ‘not uncommon to find a box of Spartans with teeth marks in every single one – the unaware searching for the nonexistent soft centre,’ which made me guffaw.

I gave Olivia some suggestions but she came back to say she’d ‘found the winner in Audrey’s Chocolates. I gave her a selection for Christmas and she loved them.’ I’d never heard of them, which delighted me as I love new recommendations.

Audrey’s Chocolates date back to 1948 – and they are still handmade in the same factory – and is apparently a very quaint little shop in Hove, which I intend to visit soon. But they do a roaring online service. Their boxes are super cute, old-fashioned (this is a compliment) and would make excellent presents. You can order exactly the centres you want: hard, soft, nuts etc (though a minimum of three of each). Prices start at £29 for the pack-your-own. There are also pre-selected boxes: selections, rose and violet creams, caramel and truffles, nuts and fruits. I also tried and loved the dark chocolate peppermints, £25, which were beautifully dark and refreshing.

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