Social level Discord announced a caller diagnostic contiguous called Ignore. This allows a idiosyncratic to fell immoderate caller messages, DMs, server notifications, profiles and enactment from selected users without alerting them. In unveiling the update, Discord noted that this benignant of softer attack to limiting interactions had been requested by its community. It's a little stark mode to tune retired a idiosyncratic compared with blocking them.
In practice, DMs received from an Ignored idiosyncratic volition look successful the inbox with an icon and a grayed-out name, truthful they are disposable if the ignorer chooses to look astatine them. The aforesaid applies to messages successful a If idiosyncratic who chose to Ignore an relationship joins a dependable oregon video chat wherever that ignored idiosyncratic is present, Discord volition amusement a informing alerting them earlier they hop into the call.
Ignore tin beryllium activated from respective places, including the drop-down paper that appears erstwhile clicking connected an account's avatar. A database of each ignored and blocked accounts is disposable wrong the Content & Social tab of User Settings. You tin halt ignoring a illustration from that afloat list, from your Friends database oregon by going to the person's profile. Discord has implicit details astir utilizing the Ignore diagnostic successful a Help Center nonfiction for immoderate further information.
This nonfiction primitively appeared connected Engadget astatine